The saying “All politics arelocal” rings true for the California county I live in. Here, we are fortunate to have a pro-second amendment Sheriff and District Attorney. Our Board is Supervisors are pro-gun as well. All our State elected representatives here are pro gun. Our Congressman is a local farmer and stands with our pro-gun community!

We in this county are fortunate for our political

leadership that both protects and respects our values and political beliefs.

This county is not as rare in California as it may seem. Many communities have basically the same situation as we do. The one party rule in California is a result of the Progressive Liberal large population areas and not rural as we are!

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You're very fortunate to live where you do and you are exactly right about California. Of the 58 counties in the state probably 48 of them are red. The problem, as you pointed out, are the other counties contain the large population centers which drive the state blue. I don't understand those people as they are suffering along with the rest of us yet they consistently reelect the people doing the harm. It's a mystery to me.

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"The only winning strategy is to elect leaders that respect the Constitution and who will uphold the rights protected within and defend the freedom and liberty of all Americans."

This is absolutely true -- especially at the local level. Having the right people in offices like sheriff, city council, mayor, etc. means your community can nullify overreach anti-gun laws passed by state governments as well as federal by refusing to enforce them.

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Great read Joe.

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Thank you!

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